creates a one, two, three, ..., n-way table. It should be used
to calculate the count and percentage of different categorical variables. It
gives the data back in a long format. The percentages calculated are the
'row' percentages.
table_title = "",
use_questions = FALSE,
use_NA = FALSE,
wt = NULL,
footnote = ""
- x
a data frame or tidy object.
- cols
<tidyr_tidy_select> These are the column(s) that we want to calculate the count and percentage of.
- table_title
a string. The title of the table sheet.
- use_questions
a logical. If the data has column labels convert the column label to a footnote with the question. See details for more information.
- use_NA
a logical. Whether to include
values in the table. For more complicatedNA
processing post creation, we recommend using filter.- wt
a quoted or unquote column name. Specify a weighting variable, if
no weight is applied.- footnote
a character vector. Optional parameter to pass a custom footnote to the question, this parameter overwrites
a xlr_table
object. Use write_xlsx to write to an excel file.
See xlr_table for more information.
This function and its family (build_mtable, build_qtable) is designed to
work with data with columns of type haven::labelled
which is the default format of data read with haven::read_sav
/has the format
of .sav
. .sav
is the default file function type of data from SPSS
can be exported from popular survey providers such as Qualtrics. When you
read in data with haven::read_sav
it imports data with the questions,
labels for the response options etc.
By default this function converts labelled to a xlr_vector
by default (and underlying it is a character()
See labelled and read_sav if you would like more details on the importing type.
# You can use this function to calculate the number count and percentage
# of a categorical variable
table_title = "The count of the gender groups")
#> ── The count of the gender groups ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 3 x 3
#> gender N Percent
#> <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_pct>
#> 1 female 464 46%
#> 2 male 461 46%
#> 3 non-binary 75 8%
# You must use a `tidyselect` statement, to select the columns that you wish to
# calculate the count, and group percentage.
# This will calculate the number of observations in each group of age and
# gender.
# The percentage will be the percentage of each age_group in each gender
# group (the row percentage).
table_title = "This is the second example table")
#> ── This is the second example table ────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 12 x 4
#> gender age_group N Percent
#> <x_vctr> <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_pct>
#> 1 female 18-30 118 27%
#> 2 female 31-40 87 20%
#> 3 female 41-50 95 22%
#> 4 female 51-65 139 32%
#> 5 male 18-30 116 26%
#> 6 male 31-40 96 22%
#> 7 male 41-50 82 19%
#> 8 male 51-65 146 33%
#> 9 non-binary 18-30 18 25%
#> 10 non-binary 31-40 19 27%
#> 11 non-binary 41-50 18 25%
#> 12 non-binary 51-65 16 23%
# You can use more complicated tidy select statements if you have a large number
# of columns, but this is probably not recommended
# Using use_questions, if you have labelled data, it will take the label and
# include it as a footnote.
# This is useful for when you have exported data from survey platforms
# as a .sav, use `haven::read_sav` to load it into your R environment.
table_title = "This is the third example table",
use_questions = TRUE)
#> ── This is the third example table ─────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 30 x 5
#> group gender Q1_1 N Percent
#> <x_vctr> <x_vctr> <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_pct>
#> 1 a female Strongly Disagree 40 18%
#> 2 a female Disagree 39 18%
#> 3 a female Neutral 46 21%
#> 4 a female Agree 53 24%
#> 5 a female Strongly Agree 41 19%
#> 6 a male Strongly Disagree 38 17%
#> 7 a male Disagree 44 20%
#> 8 a male Neutral 46 21%
#> 9 a male Agree 44 20%
#> 10 a male Strongly Agree 46 21%
#> # ℹ 20 more rows
#> Questions
#> Pants are good to wear
# You can also use weights, these weights can be either doubles or integers
# based weights
# You can also set a footnote manually
table_title = "This is the fourth example table",
wt = weight,
footnote = paste0("This is a footnote, you can use it if you want",
"more detail in your table."))
#> ── This is the fourth example table ────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 4 x 3
#> age_group N Percent
#> <x_vctr> <x_dbl> <x_pct>
#> 1 18-30 260,187.0 27%
#> 2 31-40 202,597.0 21%
#> 3 41-50 207,621.0 21%
#> 4 51-65 302,365.0 31%
#> This is a footnote, you can use it if you wantmore detail in your table.