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This function can take one or two multiple response responses and generate a summary table with them. You can also cut these columns by other categorical columns by specify the cols parameter.


  cols = NULL,
  table_title = "",
  use_questions = FALSE,
  use_NA = FALSE,
  wt = NULL,
  footnote = ""



a data frame or tidy object.


the column(s) that are multiple response questions. See the Details for more details of how these columns should be structured.


the column(s) that we want to calculate the sum/percentage of and the multiple response question.


the title of the table sheet


if the data has column labels (was a imported .sav) file, convert the column label to a footnote with the question.


logical. whether to include NA values in the table. For more complicated NA processing post creation, we recommend using filter.


Specify a weighting variable, if NULL no weight is applied.


optional parameter to pass a custom footnote to the question, this parameter overwrites use_questions.


a xlr_table object. Use write_xlsx to write to an excel file. See xlr_table for more information.


A multiple response response is a series of columns with a single unique response that stores survey data where a respondent may have chosen multiple options. This function works if this data is stored in a wide format. To have a valid multiple response column all the columns should start with the same text, and each contain a unique value. That is it has the form:

 data.frame(multi_col_1 = c(1,NA,1),
           multi_col_2 = c(1,1,1),
           multi_col_3 = c(NA,NA,1)
#>   multi_col_1 multi_col_2 multi_col_3
#> 1           1           1          NA
#> 2          NA           1          NA
#> 3           1           1           1

This is how popular survey platforms such as Qualtrics output this data type. If your data is long, you will need to pivot the data before hand, we recommend using pivot_wider.

By default this function converts labelled to a xlr_vector by default (and underlying it is a character() type).

This function and its family (build_table, build_qtable) is designed to work with data with columns of type haven::labelled, which is the default format of data read with haven::read_sav/has the format of .sav. .sav is the default file function type of data from SPSS and can be exported from popular survey providers such as Qualtrics. When you read in data with haven::read_sav it imports data with the questions, labels for the response options etc.

See labelled and read_sav if you would like more details on the importing type.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# You can use this function to calculate the number of people that have
# responded to the question `What is your favourite colour`
             table_title = "What is your favourite colour?")
#> ── What is your favourite colour? ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 6 x 4
#>   Q2             N N_group Percent
#>   <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#> 1 Black        897     995     90%
#> 2 Blue         192     995     19%
#> 3 Green        323     995     32%
#> 4 Grey         494     995     50%
#> 5 Red          792     995     80%
#> 6 Yellow       208     995     21%

# The function also lets you to see the number of NA questions (this is
# where someone doesn't answer any option)
             table_title = "What is your favourite colour?",
             use_NA = TRUE)
#> ── What is your favourite colour? ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 7 x 4
#>   Q2             N N_group Percent
#>   <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#> 1 Black        897   1,000     90%
#> 2 Blue         192   1,000     19%
#> 3 Green        323   1,000     32%
#> 4 Grey         494   1,000     49%
#> 5 Red          792   1,000     79%
#> 6 Yellow       208   1,000     21%
#> 7 NA             5   1,000      0%

# You can also cut all questions in the multiple response functions by another
# column
             table_title = "Your favourite colour by gender")
#> ── Your favourite colour by gender ─────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 18 x 5
#>    gender2    Q2             N N_group Percent
#>    <x_vctr>   <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#>  1 male       Black        413     460     90%
#>  2 male       Blue          82     460     18%
#>  3 male       Green        144     460     31%
#>  4 male       Grey         225     460     49%
#>  5 male       Red          371     460     81%
#>  6 male       Yellow        95     460     21%
#>  7 female     Black        413     460     90%
#>  8 female     Blue          97     460     21%
#>  9 female     Green        158     460     34%
#> 10 female     Grey         237     460     52%
#> 11 female     Red          356     460     77%
#> 12 female     Yellow        94     460     20%
#> 13 non-binary Black         71      75     95%
#> 14 non-binary Blue          13      75     17%
#> 15 non-binary Green         21      75     28%
#> 16 non-binary Grey          32      75     43%
#> 17 non-binary Red           65      75     87%
#> 18 non-binary Yellow        19      75     25%

# By setting `use_questions=TRUE` then the footnote will be the questions
# labels. This is useful to see what the question is.
# The function will try to pull out this based on the question label, and
# will manipulate try and get the correct label.
             table_title = "Your favourite colour by gender",
             use_questions = TRUE)
#> ── Your favourite colour by gender ─────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A xlr_table: 18 x 5
#>    gender2    Q2             N N_group Percent
#>    <x_vctr>   <x_vctr> <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#>  1 male       Black        413     460     90%
#>  2 male       Blue          82     460     18%
#>  3 male       Green        144     460     31%
#>  4 male       Grey         225     460     49%
#>  5 male       Red          371     460     81%
#>  6 male       Yellow        95     460     21%
#>  7 female     Black        413     460     90%
#>  8 female     Blue          97     460     21%
#>  9 female     Green        158     460     34%
#> 10 female     Grey         237     460     52%
#> 11 female     Red          356     460     77%
#> 12 female     Yellow        94     460     20%
#> 13 non-binary Black         71      75     95%
#> 14 non-binary Blue          13      75     17%
#> 15 non-binary Green         21      75     28%
#> 16 non-binary Grey          32      75     43%
#> 17 non-binary Red           65      75     87%
#> 18 non-binary Yellow        19      75     25%
#> Questions
#> The gender of the participant

# It is common for your data to include 'other' responses in a multiple
# response column. You should remove the column before running build_mtable
clothes_opinions |>
  select(-Q3_other) |>
#> # A xlr_table: 3 x 4
#>   Q3              N N_group Percent
#>   <x_vctr>  <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#> 1 Earrings      290     869     33%
#> 2 Necklaces     201     869     23%
#> 3 Rings         783     869     90%

# You can also specify up to a maxium of two different multiple response
# columns.
clothes_opinions |>
  select(-Q3_other) |>
  build_mtable(c("Q2", "Q3"))
#> # A xlr_table: 18 x 5
#>    Q2       Q3              N    N_Q2 Percent
#>    <x_vctr> <x_vctr>  <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#>  1 Black    Earrings      264     897     29%
#>  2 Black    Necklaces     180     897     20%
#>  3 Black    Rings         693     897     77%
#>  4 Blue     Earrings       59     192     31%
#>  5 Blue     Necklaces      49     192     26%
#>  6 Blue     Rings         145     192     76%
#>  7 Green    Earrings       98     323     30%
#>  8 Green    Necklaces      73     323     23%
#>  9 Green    Rings         247     323     76%
#> 10 Grey     Earrings      143     494     29%
#> 11 Grey     Necklaces      96     494     19%
#> 12 Grey     Rings         391     494     79%
#> 13 Red      Earrings      228     792     29%
#> 14 Red      Necklaces     160     792     20%
#> 15 Red      Rings         620     792     78%
#> 16 Yellow   Earrings       52     208     25%
#> 17 Yellow   Necklaces      35     208     17%
#> 18 Yellow   Rings         161     208     77%

# These cam also be cut by other columns.
clothes_opinions |>
  select(-Q3_other) |>
  build_mtable(c("Q2", "Q3"),
#> # A xlr_table: 54 x 6
#>    gender2  Q2       Q3              N N_group Percent
#>    <x_vctr> <x_vctr> <x_vctr>  <x_int> <x_int> <x_pct>
#>  1 male     Black    Earrings      127     413     31%
#>  2 male     Black    Necklaces      78     413     19%
#>  3 male     Black    Rings         315     413     76%
#>  4 male     Blue     Earrings       23      82     28%
#>  5 male     Blue     Necklaces      21      82     26%
#>  6 male     Blue     Rings          61      82     74%
#>  7 male     Green    Earrings       43     144     30%
#>  8 male     Green    Necklaces      31     144     22%
#>  9 male     Green    Rings         108     144     75%
#> 10 male     Grey     Earrings       72     225     32%
#> # ℹ 44 more rows

# This function also supports weights and manual footnotes
clothes_opinions |>
  select(-Q3_other) |>
  build_mtable(c("Q2", "Q3"),
               wt = weight,
               footnote = "This is an example footnote.")
#> # A xlr_table: 54 x 6
#>    gender2  Q2       Q3                N   N_group Percent
#>    <x_vctr> <x_vctr> <x_vctr>    <x_dbl>   <x_dbl> <x_pct>
#>  1 male     Black    Earrings  127,605.0 422,100.0     30%
#>  2 male     Black    Necklaces  73,623.0 422,100.0     17%
#>  3 male     Black    Rings     326,852.0 422,100.0     77%
#>  4 male     Blue     Earrings   20,749.0  78,108.0     27%
#>  5 male     Blue     Necklaces  15,806.0  78,108.0     20%
#>  6 male     Blue     Rings      54,686.0  78,108.0     70%
#>  7 male     Green    Earrings   44,326.0 146,440.0     30%
#>  8 male     Green    Necklaces  29,053.0 146,440.0     20%
#>  9 male     Green    Rings     110,288.0 146,440.0     75%
#> 10 male     Grey     Earrings   76,754.0 232,228.0     33%
#> # ℹ 44 more rows
#> This is an example footnote.