This is a fake data set used to show how to work with the xlr package.
A data frame with 1000 rows and 20 variables.
- weight
Fake survey weights
- group
A grouping variable
- gender
A character vector for gender
- gender2
A haven labelled vector for gender
- age
A continuous age variable
- age_group
A character vector for grouped age, generated from
- Q1_1
The first column in a question block asking whether pants are good to wear. Likert scale.
- Q1_2
The second column in a question block asking whether shirts are good to wear. Likert scale.
- Q1_3
The third column in a question block asking whether shoes are good to wear. Likert scale.
- Q1_4
The forth column in a question block asking whether pants are good to wear. Likert scale. This column is intentionally has no label.
- Q2_1,2,3,4,5,6
Multiple response columns. Question asking what is your favourite colour to wear.
- Q3_1,2,3
Multiple response columns. Question asking what is your favourite jewellery to wear.
- Q3_other
The other column for question 3